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200 years of experience


The glass factory of Masnières was founded in 1818, a year which saw many other manufacturing company foundations throughout various branches. Since many decades Masnières has been specialised in the manufacturing of luxury products for perfumery and cosmetics and has been widely known for its excellent know-how.

People celebrating the 200th anniversary of the french plant

200 years Stoelzle Masnières

In 2018 the glass manufacturer specialising in high-end glass bottles for perfumes and cosmetics celebrated its 200th anniversary. On this occasion, Stoelzle Masnières Parfumerie has been awarded the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (EPV) label, a mark of recognition for French companies based on their excellent traditional and industrial know-how. Situated in the North of France, the company is part of the Stoelzle Glass Group, which has been investing continuously in the upgrade of the French production and decoration since the acquisition in 2013.

logo des 200 ans

1818 The glass factory of Masnieres was founded by Mr Boulanger.
1835 Mr Varenghien acquires the company and develops the industrial production (glass bell for garden and bottles).
1850 Mr Leroy Soyez acquires the company, develops a new kind of mould for beer bottles and obtaines the patents.
1861 The family Millet Bricout acquires the company and develops the industrial production for pharma and glass in red feeder.
1920 Mr Souchon becomes a shareholder.
1924 Arrival of the electricity which will revolutionise industrial production.
1929 Disappearance of the profession of glassblower.
1957 Mr Souchon becomes the major shareholder; Creation of a new company Nord Verre by merging 3 glass production sites (Reims, Masnieres and Fourmies).
1964 Glass company Souchon-Neuvesel acquires the Nord Verre company.
1966 New company name B.S.N. (Boussois Souchon Neuvesel).
1994 Merger of BSN company and Bormioli Rocco.
2013 Acquisition of Stoelzle Masnières SAS and Stoelzle Masnières Décoration SAS, France, by Stoelzle Glass Group.
2015 French Stoelzle sites were renamed Stoelzle Masnières Parfumerie SAS & Stoelzle Masnières Parfumerie Decoration SAS.
2018 200 years anniversary in Stoelzle Masnières Parfumerie SAS; This event was celebrated with several events.
2020 Furnace rebuild and addition of a 5th line.

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